Cory Arcangel
↩ Things I Made
Title: Andy Warhol Amiga Preservation
w/ The Carnegie Museum of Art, The Andy Warhol Museum, and The Frank-Ratchye STUDIO for Creative Inquiry
Year: 2011
Medium: Multi-year preservation project
Elevator pitch: Worked with a super chill team to discover and preserve Andy Warhol’s Amiga 1000 experiments.
ps: Not exactly a “thing i made”, more like a “thing i produced”, but none the less, ... my fav project of all time.There iz a really great documentary on the project linked above. Def watch, and read the great accompanying text – The Warhol Files – if you got an extra 20 min lying around some day. Will give you a good idea of the 3 year process that went into this. ;)
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