Cory Arcangel
↩ Things I Made
Title: Super Slow Tetris
Year: 2004
Medium: Modded Tetris game cartridge
Dims: Dimensions variable
Elevator pitch: ​Tetris screwed.
ps: ​This was originally called "Tetris Screwed". It takes about 8 hours for the blocks to fall in one complete game. At the same time, it is still possible to move them left and right, it just takes minutes for them to drop one pixel down on the screen. It's totally maddening! This I guess is a theme in a few of the things I have made which are interactive (see related works below for other upsetting interactive stuff). Also of note, for NES nerds out there, this was a binary hack, as the delay loop was written by hand in 6502 binary! Step to that!
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