Cory Arcangel
↩ Things I Made
Title: Totally Fucked
Year: 2003
Medium: Modded Super Mario Brothers cartridge
Elevator pitch: ​Super Mario stuck on a cube.
ps: ​This one is an infinite loop of Mario stuck on a cube. A year later I cribbed this scene for the beginning of Paper Rad and I’s Super Mario Movie. I have hardly ever shown this, but it is one of my favourites. Also, of note, I lost the source code, ROM, and nearly everything associated with the project shortly after making it in 2003. In my defence, I had just turned 25, and well, just wasn’t very organised (my studio at this point was still under my loft bed). Anyway, sometime many years later, I found the actual finished version in a pile of old ROM chips. In 2013 - as I was long out of the 6502 game - I gave it 2 Todd Bailey / Andrew Reitano of Narrat1ve who sucked the data off of the ROM, and reconstructed the .NES emulator file. Thx again guys! 
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